Saturday, 18 April 2009

All about my books - Part 1

In 2005 my friend/assistant/apprentice Johnny came to me with an idea, he was
a final-year student of media and he had to come up with an idea for a
final-year project, and he wanted to do a book "we could do a book" (you see how
that works? he needs to do something so 'we' could do a book?), he said, bloody good
idea I said. At the time I was shooting alot of rope bondage in a fine-art style
and really wanted to do a book that mixed the 'how-to' with the art, so that's
what we did, 'Beautiful Bondage, the art of rope bondage' was born.

In January 2006 our model flew in from Scotland, the problem was it was Friday
the 13th and so everything went wrong, my car broke down on the way to the
airport, Johnnys car was blocked-in to his garage by a neighbours car, who
couldn't be found, when we finally got organised, collected the model and got to
the studio the security guards had locked us out and it took us hours to get in,
a rubbish start to the project, but is was a start. Over that weekend I set up
the lights, Johnny took the photos and I tied the rope (in between I was eating
pizza, Johnny was dancing to Trance and the model was utterly bemused).

The above image is from another shoot by the way, thats Marie who I'd worked
with alot the previous summer and this photos was chosen as a better option for
the cover, as we hadn't thought about a specific cover image when we were
shooting the content (first book, lesson learnt), Rella features throughout the
book, an example section is below...

This was my first book, even though it took first Johnny and
then I many weeks of fiddling and re-fiddling to get it looking how we wanted,
we managed it, it was worth it, we love it.

Thanks for getting me motivated to start making books Johnny,
top bloke.

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