Tuesday, 15 September 2015

New Project: Everyone is Beautiful

(Until I get my website on a new server I'll start using this blog for some castings)
This is a preliminary casting for a project I may be shooting next year or starting later this year.
This will be an artistic nudes photo-book and I need a range of women as models, all proceeds will go to charity.
'Everyone is Beautiful'
Open to:
Women (over 18)
Finished Product:
A book.
Artistic Nude & Figure Nude
One of my favourite aspects of my work is shooting commissions, where someone hires me to photograph them in the styles you see in my galleries/websites, for their private use. The thing that almost every client says to me is "I'm no model", they are worried about being 'good enough', the reality is (almost) no-one is perfect, even models have their imperfections and these are dealt with in one of two ways; they can be hidden/'photoshopped', or they can be included.
I'm going to make a book where the latter applies, real people with real 'imperfections', photographed beautifully.
I'll be shooting an artistic nude or figure nude style and I'm inviting ordinary women to apply, as with all of my projects the aim is to gather variety so I want to cover overweight people, skinny people, people with bad skin, people with scarring, physical disabilities, unusual proportions, stretch-marks and weight-loss-excess-skin, bad boob jobs and mastectomy, young girls and old women, heavily tattooed or extensively pierced. If you have something about your body that you don't like or doesn't fit the 'normal' or 'popular' definition of beautiful then I want to hear from you, tell your friends, be part of something beautiful and show the world you are too.
Specifically looking for:
Any women who don't fit the normal western popular definition of 'beautiful'.
I want a variety of women from both 'ordinary' every-day women as well as those who for some reason are 'different', such as (as mentioned above); overweight, underweight, skin problems, more body hair, no body hair, stretch-marks, scars, bad boob-jobs, disproportionate boob-jobs, mastectomy, physically disabled, very tall or very short, very fit and muscular, and anything else I've not thought of yet. I want a wide variety of women so I can show that all of you are beautiful.
What is involved:
  1. If you think this project is a good idea, tell people! especially any women who you feel could benefit from realising that they are actually attractive when for some reason they think they are not.
  2. To apply send me an email via Projects@MarkVarleyPhoto.co.uk (should you have any problems with that address use markvarleyprojects@gmail.com instead), put 'Everyone is Beautiful' as the subject in your email. I need to see a photo showing your body, a simple mirror-selfie is fine, and also photos showing anything you may specifically dislike about your body. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have if you on't feel ready to send photos yet. All photos and any information sent to me is strictly confidential.
  3. I will select people based on variety, if chosen you will be invited to come and shoot later in 2015 or the first half of 2016.
  4. Shoots take place in Cambridgeshire, UK. You can apply from anywhere in the world but you will need to get yourself to me. The nearest train station is Huntingdon, the nearest Airport is Stansted then Luton.
  5. A shoot will take at least an hour, probably not more than two, plus time to relax and build some confidence before we shoot.
  6. You have the option of being anonymous, either by not using your real name and/or not showing your face.
  7. I will direct your posing as you pose in a number of different positions. All shoots will be nude as that is the theme of the project but remember this is an artistic project, everything will be tasteful.
  8. Once the photos have been edited, a few weeks later, you will be able to view them privately online, if there are any you really don't want anyone to see or if you have changed your mind this is the time to tell me.
  9. You will also be able to use your photos for any personal use, I can arrange prints if you would like some or you can use them online on personal profiles etc.
  10. When all of the shoots are done the final photos will be chosen and the book will be compiled, I'll let you know if you are in the book (most likely everyone will have at least one photo included).
  11. As soon as the book is available you will be given a link where you can order yourself a copy of the book at cost-price (I don't get any for free).
  12. All profits from the book sales will go to charity (I am currently talking to relevant charities).

Please share a link to this post with anyone who you think may be interested in taking part, I really think this could firstly help people with their self-image by taking part and secondly help others by seeing that there really is a wide range of people who are 'normal' and beautiful, and if there is anything noticeably 'different' about them then it really doesn't mean they are not beautiful.