Thursday, 28 May 2009
Quote of the week.
Yoshihisa Maitani, one of the first superstars of camera design, olympus.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
A surprise today!
A surprise today, I'm all over!
I just had an email from my publisher that they've just got my books onto
London Bound is HERE
Fine Art Nude Photography is HERE
Beautiful Bondage volume 1 is HERE (enthusiasts edition)
and HERE (collectors edition)
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Attention Bondage Models!
(come on that was pretty funny).
I've finally got around to adding the models section to my bondage website - free listings for models doing bondage work, targeted specifically at that market, filling the gap between regular modeling sites and regular fetish sites.
Any bondage models, come and get your free listing..
Anyone who knows any bondage models, tell them about it!
Anyone who needs a bondage model, yea, you know where to come -
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Anatomy of a Logo
A nice twisty thing for the twisted, worked well and took us about 2 weeks to come up with, infact we didn't come up with it in the end, one of Jans old contacts came up with it, in about 5 minutes.
Recently I decided that in order to better promote myself as a brand, a logo would be helpful, after a few weeks of thinking and trying a few things I came up with this,
the basis of the design is an Ouroborus, which represents alot of things to alot
of people, to me it's about perpetuation as many many times in my life I've
faced all kinds of problems and challenges, but I kept going, I was the only
constant in my life. The Ouroborus is also a serpent and as I'm a dragon in the
Chinese zodiac I identify with this aspect also.
You will notice the odd striped markings on the body of the Ouroborus also,
these have a double significance, firstly it's a not to the commercial
enterprises I'm involved in, most notably Twisted Photography, TwistedUK Ltd has
a number of entities within it and the twisted logo is a constant between them.
Secondly the twists resemble rope, which is something I'm rather well known for
my involvement in as a professional rigger of rope bondage.
The ouroborus here has a spiked armoured spine and a soft inner belly,
figurative of a hard shield tough exterior and a protected gentle interior, both
aspects of my character.
The final ingredients are my initials 'MV' within, which is pretty much self
And thats how I came to structure this, my logo. :o)